See below the complete list of ministries in our family and how you can get involved in our community. If you have any questions or request additional information, please call the family office at 716-780-7020.
Music Ministry: Dedicated musicians and vocalist who use their talents to enhance our liturgical celebrations.
Altar Servers: Assist the Priest and Deacon with the celebration of Holy Mass. Must have made 1st Holy Communion in order to serve at the altar of the Lord.
Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God from the ambo at Holy Mass. Training and pronunciation guide will be provided to you yearly to assist in your preparation. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating schedule based off your preferred Mass time and parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Bring Holy Communion to our homebound and hospitalized. Also, assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. EM's are scheduled on a rotating schedule based off your preferred Mass time and parish. Attendance at a Diocesan training course is required to be commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the Diocese of Buffalo.
Ushers: Greet visitors at the door, take-up the weekly collection, and distribute bulletins to visitors departing the church.