Welcome to Saint Anthony Parish in Farnham, NY!
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM
Thursday: 9:00 AM
Holy Days: 9:00 AM
Parish Trustees: Sandra Hooge & Frank Zeffiro Jr.
Children’s Room: Located to the side of the altar opposite the Sacristy. Feel free to use this room during Mass or other services when needed.
Handicap Access: A ramp is available for entry at the side door nearest Commercial St. In addition, an elevator is located just inside the side door which enters the church at the rear of the parking lot. The elevator provides access up to the church proper, and down to the hall.
Handicap Parking: Spaces are labeled near both the ramp, and the side door at the rear of the parking lot.
Restrooms: Separate men’s and women’s facilities are located just off the Main Entrance doors to the church. As you enter, turn left and they are straight ahead and down two steps. A handicap accessible facility can be found off the vestibule on the lower level near the elevator.
Changing table: Located just outside the separate men’s and women’s restrooms.
Parish Hall Rental: Please call the parish office. (716) 549-1159
Liturgical Ministries: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Altar Servers are always needed. For more information please contact the parish office. (716) 549-1159
Legion of Mary: Originating in Dublin, Ireland in 1921, the Legion of Mary is an organization of Catholic men and women who assist their pastor in performing Spiritual Works in the parish. Under the banner of Mary, we strive with her help to develop greater Holiness in our own lives, and spread a deeper devotion to her among others. Interested in joining our chapter, contact president Pauline Leigh at (716) 549-6311
Folk Group: The St. Anthony’s Folk Group was established in May 1985, and currently provides music for the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass each week. Because of the portability of our instruments, we are also sometimes called on to provide music at church events which occur outside the confines of the building, such as the summer beach mass and the barn mass in December. The primary goal of this group is to enhance the worship experience of parishioners. Our purpose is not to entertain, but to encourage those at Mass to feel moved to participate in the worship through song. We feel that, as St. Augustine said, “To sing is to pray twice”. Membership is open to anyone who has a desire to praise the Lord in music and song. We are very fortunate to have some excellent musicians in our midst. Due to busy schedules, rehearsals are held only when necessary or requested.
Scouts: Welcome to Troop and Pack 421 – Boy Scouts of America Troop and Pack 421 meet every Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the church Hall. If you have a son between 7-10 years of age (Cub Scouts) or 11-17 (Boy Scouts), call our Scoutmaster to see how he can join, or just to get more information. Wayne Ames 549-5887