Welcome to Saint Mary of the Lake Parish
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil- 5:30 PM
Sunday- 11:00 AM
Tuesday- 8:15 AM
Thursday- 8:15 AM
Parish Trustees: Brendan Burke & Ken Farrell
Liturgical Ministries: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Altar Servers are always needed. For more information please contact the parish office. (716) 627-3123
Music Ministry: The Music Ministry, comprised of adults and youth choir members and musicians, serves to enrich the celebration of the liturgy and special services. Its primary function is to support and encourage congregational singing at mass. All who are willing to commit their time and energy to weekly rehearsals (Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.) are welcome to become members. The choir sings on Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. mass. No experience required other an a willing heart. All instruments are welcomed as well. Contact: Glenn Colton at [email protected]
Coffee Committee: The Coffee Committee organizes and staffs a time of fellowship after the 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. masses. Coffee, juice and donuts are served in the gathering space. After 4:30 p.m. mass on the first Saturday of the month, wine and cheese are served. Members are also responsible for clean-up. Individuals and families are invited to help on a rotating basis in this ministry of outreach and hospitality. Contact: Betty Pracitto at (716) 627-3679.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: St. Vincent de Paul is a world-wide Catholic organization whose purpose is to give assistance – primarily financial, but also material and spiritual – to those members of a given community who may require emergency assistance. At St. Mary of the Lake Church, the St. Vincent de Paul group not only helps parishioners in need, but it also supports the St. Vincent de Paul Camp in Angola and the dining room in Buffalo. This group actively helps with community food collections and maintains a used clothing bin on the parish grounds. Contact: Jim Conciardo at (716) 627-2027
Cub Scouts: St. Mary of the Lake sponsors Cub Scout Pack. Scouting provides opportunities for young boys and young men and their families to grow in character, discipline and spirit. Cub Scouts Contact: Ryan McCrohan at [email protected]
Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry uses the talents of parishioners to create prayer shawls, scarves, and no-sew fleece blankets which are blessed and distributed to those in need of special prayers and comfort. "Prayer Bears" are also created and presented to newly-baptized infants, and sick children and adults at Roswell and Women and Children's hospitals. Attendance at meetings is not necessary and you don't need to know how to crochet or knit to become a member of this ministry. Contact: Sandy Wachowski at (716) 353-0369