Welcome to Most Precious Blood in Angola, NY
Tickets Available for Most Precious Blood Parish 2024 Fall Split Club
Tickets for 2024 MPB Fall Split Club are available for purchase at the MPB’s Parish
Office. Ticket Cost is $60. Only 260 tickets will be sold. Prizes total $5,400.
There will be 16 drawings for $75 beginning the week of July 28. The Reception
and Final Drawings Event will be on November 9. Grand Prize is $2,000; 2 nd prize is
$1,000; 3 rd prize is $500; and 4 th through 10 th prize is $100. Proceeds to benefit the
Please call 716-549-0420 for additional information or visit the Rectory Office, 22
Prospect St., Angola, during regular business hours: Monday & Friday from 9 am
to 1 pm.
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM
Monday: 8:00 AM (Chapel)
Wednesday: 8:00 AM (Chapel)
Friday: 8:00 AM (Chapel)
Trustees: Elizabeth Duzen & Conrad F. Piskorz
Parish Family Breakfasts following 8 AM Mass: 2nd Sunday of the month:
All parishioners are invited to the Parish Family Breakfast in the Hall following 8:00 AM Mass, Hosted by Holy Name Society.
Helping Hands Committee: The Helping Hands committee is our parish bereavement group, providing luncheon receptions after parish funerals if requested, and any other help we can offer during the families’ time of need. Call the parish office for more information.
(716) 549-0420
Liturgical Ministries: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Altar Servers are always needed. For more information please contact the parish office. (716) 549-0420
Prayer Garden: Our Prayer Garden is dedicated to Our Lady of the Lake. It consists of handicap accessible parking to the Church, Chapel and rectory office. The walkways and central area have been designated as a gathering space for prayer, meditation, meetings, or just a quiet space to spend some time. The garden has a granite altar with the parish motto inscribed on front, and four granite benches.