Coordinator of Religious Education
Kathy Brachmann
cell 716-553-6525; [email protected]
Youth Ministry Coordinator- Tiffany Parker
[email protected] 716-341-0978
St. Anthony’s Religious Education Program promotes faith-sharing and provides positive learning experiences to students and their families in grades K-5. Classes for the students are conducted in the Church Hall prior to the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday.
The Religious Ed. Program consists of lay volunteers dedicated and committed to sharing their faith with the youth of our Parish. As mandated by the Diocese of Buffalo, teachers are required to obtain three levels of Catechetical Training. Teachers, Aides and all volunteers partaking in the children’s program on a regular basis are required to attend a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. These training sessions and workshops may be hosted by St. Anthony’s, or by surrounding parishes.
The Religious Ed. Program provides separate Sacramental preparation for students in Grades 2 and 3, who have received the Sacrament of Baptism. Three separate classes are held on Saturday mornings, usually during February, for those students in Grade 2 who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and three separate classes are held, usually in March, for those students in Grade 3 preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist. Arrangements and additional sessions are available to older children just entering St. Anthony’s Religious Ed, or Youth Ministry Programs, so they are prepared and can partake in these sacraments.
Our intent is to run a consistent and effective Religious Ed. Program. We promote and encourage parents, students and staff to share in the responsibility in making our program successful. The growth of our Christian Community is possible because of the dedication of all individuals involved in developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of our Catholic heritage.
For more information on St. Anthony’s Religious Ed. Program, or to volunteer your time, faith and knowledge please contact the Director.
St. Anthony's Youth Ministry Program is offered to all students in grades 6th through 11th. At St. Anthony's we believe that our youth are the future of our Parish and the Catholic Church. Our program offers the following:
Catechetical classes are in accordance with the Diocese of Buffalo Guidelines for Adolescent Catechesis.
These are structured, traditional settings in small groups. Classes are held on Sunday after 11:30 AM mass.
Confirmation Preparation begins in 10th grade as a part of Sunday evening class. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place in the spring of 11th grade. Confirmation preparation includes an overnight retreat, regular attendance at all classes and a group community service project.
Retreats, prayer services and liturgies, are planned with student input and are designed to enrich the Spiritual Life of all the students.
Social Activities are also included to develop a community spirit. The children gather at the end of class for "Group Time" which includes prayer, parish news, upcoming events and getting to know the other children in the program. We also have movie night, a pizza party and a Christmas party
Community Service Activities are a major part of religious education at St. Anthony's. They include a number of charitable events, including a collection of food and gifts for Christmas, an Ice Cream Social for Catholic Charities, Adopt-a-Highway cleanup of Route 249, and community service field trips and events. These activities reinforce what is studied in the Catechetical classes and allow the children to
put their "faith into action".
Volunteers are an important part of our Youth Ministry Program. Any one who is interested in helping to facilitate this program as a teacher, teacher's aide, project coordinator, or who has any special talents or time to give, please contact the program coordinator.